Monday, August 23, 2010

Last Days of Summer

What was I thinking when I called this "DAILY Paxil?" It seemed a good idea at the time.

But unlike some people, I have never mastered uploading photos to laptops, or even doing much web-surfing on laptops, so my travels this summer have interfered greatly with my posting.

The good news is that I am now back home; well, I guess that is only good news in some ways. But I am back home with more photos than I can possibly write posts for. Unless maybe I start now and just keep throwing something out there frequently.

Maybe even daily.

This is what I have been looking at daily for the past two weeks.

That and birds. Lots of birds.

Especially bald eagles.

This one was in the tree in my backyard. The image of the light on the lake above was in the front yard.

I'll post more soon, but that's it for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I should return to updating about cats.


  1. I envy you your daily water viewing. That's a lovely picture.

  2. I find it humorous that in order to post the previous comment I had to type the secret word "factubt"
