Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flat Bassets and Hot Piano

One of the joys of visiting Southern California is the hospitality shown by my bassett hosts.

Apparently, in the bassett community, there is a condition known as "flat bassett." This is when a bassett hound decides that evolution has given him legs too short for walking, at which point he just flops and goes nowhere without being carried.

Here, shortly before heading to the barn at 6am, I looked over to see Rocky demonstrating the classic "flat bassett" position. Rocky likes being part of things, as long as those "things" do not require leaving the house before 6am.

Rocky is fairly calming influence. But when you are in the mood for hot piano jazz, just put some Jerry Lee Lewis on the turntable and watch Maddie get in the groove. I wish I had a picture of her in dark glasses, accompanying Ray Charles.

You may be thinking that such attitudes are disrespectful.

But that is, after all, the point of honky-tonk piano--some things are better when we set respect aside.

1 comment:

  1. I am in complete agreement with Rocky and his view of "things." I don't particularly like to think that "things" exist prior to 6 am--unless I've been up all night. Then it doesn't matter so much.
